3 Reasons Not to Color Your Concrete

3 Reasons Not to Color Your Concrete

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3 Reasons to NOT Color Your Mechanically Polished Concrete Floors

Colored concrete can be beautiful. Concrete Polishing, Inc. has created some artful floors, as you can see from the pictures above. But there's a tradeoff.

Here are three things to consider, that may help you make the decision to not color your concrete.
1) Expectations. Almost every customer we've ever had who wanted color was disappointed in the color at some level. Perhaps the end product (even a sample) didn't match the brochure, or the choices of colors weren't enough, or there was a problem matching the color after some change was made. The point is that color can detract from a process that normally produces a high-quality, low-maintenance attractive floor.
2) Oil. If the floor is an old pour, or there was oil, hydrolic fluid, grease, etc. spilled during the construction process, then those areas of concrete may reject the color partially or completely. That means the appearance of "spots" on the floor. Once the oil wicks away one is still left with the problem of color matching the spot to the rest of the colored floor.
3) Expense. We are crazy to tell you to not color your floor because it means us losing out on a add-on service, but we care more about your satisfaction with the job. Color adds about $1 per square foot to a job. Even a small job can quickly add up color costs.

One caveat, if you are pouring a new slab and want to include color in the concrete mix (e.g. integral color) then the concrete will shine up beautifully AND have a long-lasting color. The integral color will avoid the problem with oil and somewhat defray color expense; integral color does cost a little, but not as much as post-pour color.

Interested in learning more?
Mechanically polished concrete is different from some so-called polished concrete, and there are many advantages to mechanically polished concrete to which our national client list will attest, so email (info@concretepolishinginc.com) or call (888-610-6656) Concrete Polishing, Inc. for more information about making the right decision for your factory or industrial space.